Platypus Next Peril - Sprites!

It's time for peril!

Now the dev environment is working well (Although I do want to try and set up for Next Basic and C, using Z88dk.) it's time to show some sprites I've been working on.

This is my 16x16 pixel interpretation of the platypus character. I've drawn a selection of abilities which will be a good starting point with idle, run, wall grab, punch, jump/fall, duck/crawl and then climb.

To get the colour palette for the Speccy Next, I saved the base colour sprite from Remy's sprite tool and loaded it into Aseprite, saving this as a preset for future use. Remy's Sprite Tool

Setting the colour palette to a preset in Aseprite:

Here you can see the full sprite sheet with all frames used for the animations in Aseprite.
Aseprite is a great tool which reminds me a bit of Deluxe Paint on the Amiga.
You can find it here:

As you can see I was clearly having fun with these sprites and the pixels were flowing, so here's a couple of frog style animations.

Well that's all for tonight's instalment, hope you are enjoying the blog and will come back for more............. Until next time. 👾


  1. I will definitely follow this project, I am not a programmer. The last sprite of the crawling platypus is definitely a picture of a scared parrot, and the frog is a turtle without a shell. Otherwise, though, all is well, heh.

    1. Welcome to my journey and thanks for the follow. I see the turtle without a shell haha


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