Platypus Next Peril
Only a short post this time.
I've been designing a game called Platypus Peril using Unity, for quite some time now and as this isn't a full time project, it's still not finished. It was initially a 2D platformer which then evolved into a 3D game, in the style of Mario 64 or Yooka-Laylee.
I still have all the concept work, designs and drawings etc for it, so thought this might be a good project to do on the Next whilst I learn. Obviously it won't be 3D, but I will take it right back to the low-res 2D platformer that is was going to be.
I'm not sure what it will be coded in yet, z80 or maybe Boriel with Nextbuild, but I am going to start off doing some basics with both to get the player character moving and decide as it progresses. Also I'm thinking this will get me motivated in learning the Speccy Next, with it being a fun project and something I know, rather than just blindingly typing something from a book.
So the next post will most likely be with creating some suitable sprites and then I can move on to some code.
For now have a look below for some of the design.
Game Design
The main story to the game is that, having been kidnapped from his habitat in the wild by an evil pet shop owner, Patrick the Platypus escapes through the basement and into the sewer.
Here he has to overcome all the perils of the sewer and beyond, in order to find his way home.
Game character concept
The player character has quite a few abilities from climbing, swimming and flying, along with some attack moves like punch, kick and telekinesis mind attack!
I don't think all these features will be in the Next game, especially whilst I'm just starting out, but plenty to play with here.
Game setting
Starts off in the sewer having escaped the pet shop, however, if all goes well there is plenty of scope with maybe starting in the shop instead and then leaving the sewer into the city and wilderness.
Player character & Sidekick
Main character Patrick and his sidekick Frenchy the Bulldog who helps him escape.
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