C Development Environment with z88dk

Hello again and hope you have been enjoying my blog. I had been thinking, yes I know I shouldn't do it too often as it could be dangerous, but so far I have set up my coding environment for using z80, Boriel with NextBuild and Next Basic, all using VSCode and CSpect. I have described in detail how to set up z80, but not Boriel or Next Basic; however, these were quite simple to set up and flowed well using information gained in my previous posts, some other tutorials on line and some assistance from my Speccy Next friend, John Weatherley. Thanks John, I'm finding this community is very friendly and helpful so far. If however you are struggling with setting Boriel or Next Basic up with VSCode, then just let me know and I'll sort some more posts with some assistance. One area which I found a little bit more tricky, is setting up for C using z88dk, so I thought I would describe this step here. Look at my other blog posts for the z80 set up to get yourself familiar with all s...